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What broadband Internet can do for Rural Ontario

A new subsidiary of Fox Group works with fire, police and ambulance officials to trace down 911 calls.

That used to be simple. Land lines were linked to specific addresses. But cellphones, tablets, and VOIP — voice over Internet protocol telephones — have broken the link between numbers and billing addresses.

The person placing the call may be too ill or confused to give their location and the billing address may be confused with the location of the call.

Fox Group helps 911 responders trace calls to physically locate the device making the call.

Fox said Canada lags behind other nations in installing technology to trace 911 calls.

Customers pay to support 911 service in their bills, but Fox said that money is not flowing through to installing new technologies at phone, cable and 911 responders.

Grain and Food Production

Fox Group did a project in Alberta a few years ago that shows the impact Internet access can have on agriculture.

Giant grain combines, owned by agricultural corporations, were outfitted with automatic route programming wired to the latest grain market prices.

Satellite and cellular technology were fed directly to the combines.

“Instead of harvesting wheat, they would do canola, because it just went up 10 cents a bushel,” Fox said.

“When you’re doing 100,000 bushels a day, it makes a difference.”

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