No Erlangs for UC Part 2
FOX GROUP’s Helga Egan has spent several years implementing SIP solutions for multiple client projects. She devoted additional time...

Local Farm Gal Returns To Southwestern Ontario for Expansion of FOX GROUP, High-Tech Professional Se
During the heady days of the late 1990s when many Canadians were getting the internet in their homes for the first time, Roberta J. Fox...

Challenges of Digital Business and Omni-Channel…Blinded by the Noise
A few years ago, we decided to move our personal banking from one major bank to another. More recently we investigated the possibility of...

No Erlangs for UC - Part 1
“The erlang is a unit of traffic density in a telecommunications system. One erlang is the equivalent of one call (including call...

Telecom 2015 Conference Highlights
Excellent Sessions, Networking and Insight on Trends in UC, Telecom and Contact Centres Last week's Telecom 2015 Conference, organized by...

Sound Quality Really Matters in the World of UC Applications
We have a UC/communications product test lab at our corporate offices at FOX GROUP. We have invested the space, time and resources in...

ININ Advances Quickly - Changes in Cloud Portfolio
As part of our continuing efforts to keep up with the telecom, UC and contact center industry, I had the opportunity to attend the annual...
Gartner Magic Quadrant for UC Results – Customer View is Very Different
We thought we would provide some feedback on the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Unified Communications from a customer view (whether large...

Need Help? Call 911! But will they find you in time?
In an emergency we have an expectation that when we call 911, first responders will quickly be on the scene to assist. Unfortunately, the...

Top 10 Tips Executives Need to Know About Next-Gen Business Communications
Access the recorded webinar Navigating the changing communications technology landscape (not to mention ever-changing vendor hype) can...