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Summer 2016 UC Trends

We hope all of you are enjoying the great summer weather we have been having in spite of not enough rain in many parts of Canada! It seems to be another busy summer in the ICT sector. In the past, summer was slower in tech/telecom, but certainly has not been so during the last few years!

To help you keep up with the pace of tech changes, we are publishing our eZine on a more current basis, which will vary month to month.

Our new format also allows you to more easily scan the news items on various types of mobile devices, and get further details or information by clicking the link.

We see that technology development continues to transform at an accelerated pace. As a result, many of our enterprise, non-profit and government sector clients are challenged to keep up with the pace of technology advances.

They are also challenged to evolve their IT skills, support and processes required to deploy and support these next-generation solutions, as well as meet the current and evolving needs of their internal and external clients.

Leveraging our own UC applications and training capabilities, combined with our web-based cloud infrastructure, we are developing new on-line and collaboration based tools to provide clients with relevant, up-to-date knowledge and expertise, to help them archive positive business benefits from their UC technology investments.

As always, we welcome your thoughts and feedback. Send your comments to

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